Free 114 page ebook in pdf format. “The Perfect Gift for a Man: 30 stories about reinventing manhood”, compiled by Gavin Heaton and Mark Pollard.
Book Description
We’re born so pure. But along the way, many of us fray. Some of us stay frayed; others break. Some then stay broken; while the fortunate heal. But how can more of us heal? Inside this book are 30 brave stories written by people who know that you may very well go through what they’ve gone through. Maybe you already have. In these stories, they hope you find solace, hope, inspiration, a friend. These stories are a gift. Please share them. – Mark & Gavin
- Becoming a man
- Respect
- Fragility
- Fatherhood
- Loss
Book Details
Author(s): Gavin Heaton and Mark Pollard
Format(s): PDF (1.34 MB)
Number of pages: 114
Link: Download.
Format(s): PDF (1.34 MB)
Number of pages: 114
Link: Download.