By Laila Ibrahim / Genre: Historical Fiction / Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (292 reviews)
In 1837, Lisbeth Wainwright is born to the white mistress of a sprawling Virginia plantation. Seconds later, she is delivered into the arms of her black wet nurse, Mattie. For a field hand like Mattie, her transfer to the big house is supposed to be considered an honor—except that the move tears Mattie away from her beloved grandfather and her infant son, Samuel. But Mattie is a slave, with no say in the matter, and so she devotes herself to her master’s daughter, though she longs to be raising her own child. Growing up under Mattie’s tender care, little Lisbeth adopts the woman’s deep-seated faith in God, her love of music and black-eyed peas, and the tradition of hunting for yellow crocuses in the early days of spring.
By Lani Diane Rich / Genre: Romance / Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (21 reviews)
The thing about being the one who got away is that you really need to stay gone.
Petty thief Dermot “Finn” Finnegan came back to Lucy’s Lake, Vermont, to do one thing—return the car he’d stolen from his high school flame, Tessa, the night he’d disappeared ten years ago. The plan was to be in and out with no one the wiser, especially not Tessa, but when a mysterious fire breaks out and he reluctantly saves the day, Finn’s plans are all shot to hell, along with his ability to resist the love he left behind.
Tessa Scuderi never expected to see Finn again, and that was fine by her. The truth about the teeny-tiny felony they committed could threaten her custody of her teenage sister, Izzy, and getting him out of town is job one. But as the mystery of everything that happened that night ten years ago—including her mother’s death in a strange fire—starts to unravel, Finn gets all weird and loyal. Can love survive lies, theft and arson? There’s only one way to tell…
By James Joseph / Genre: Arts & Entertainment, Dance / Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
Learn how to satisfy a woman on the dance floor. Part guerrilla manual and part cotillion handbook, this book teaches the basic principles common to all music and dance, enabling you to walk onto any dance floor and perform an admirable dance, with any partner, to any music, with confidence and grace.
This book is an insider’s guide to ballroom dancing. It’s for non-dancers, newbies and beginners. Whether you fear dance or can’t dance or hate to dance; or whether you’re rhythmically challenged or just new to dance; or whether you’ve finished dance classes more confused than when you started, this book has the tools a guy needs to know to make his partner happy. (Ladies, despite the title, this book will help you too.)
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By Adrianna Stepiano / Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult / Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
“Full of adventure and suspense and with a touch of a love story, this book had me very interested right until the end.”
Seraphin Shedd wanted her high school graduation day to be different, and by different, she meant ordinary. In a life led by tragedy, a break from the flashbacks would have been a welcomed relief. Instead, after the disappearance of her beloved teacher, Ms. Dorah Zebedee, her memories became increasingly more vivid. Only one person, Joseph Merrick, knows where to find Ms. Z, but he’s not eager to help. Unaccommodating and mysterious, Joseph brings Seraphin to an emotional breaking point. If she can learn to trust him, she just might uncover the mystery behind her heartbreaking past. Though, she can’t help but wonder if his interest in her is purely for personal gain, or will he prove to be a loyal friend?
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Forty Years Later
By Steven Jay Griffel / Genre: Drama, Arts & Entertainment / Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
“A beautiful story beautifully told.”
Jill Black, a “one hit wonder” Hollywood screenwriter, is consumed with a last chance to write and direct her own film. Success will reinvigorate her career. Failure will end it. When a pompous studio “suit” begins to undermine her authority and threatens to kill her project, the pressure forces her to spin from rage to murderous madness as she ensnares David in her plans.
Love and betrayal. Revenge and redemption. For some it ends happily. For others it all comes undone in this fast-paced drama of Baby Boomers trying to hang on to their lives, their families, and their Woodstock dreams. A riveting debut novel of suspense and humor, masterfully told by Steven Jay Griffel.
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Legends of Tsalagee
By Phil Truman / Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Romance / Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars
“I would highly recommend this book to all types of people.”
Legends from a small town come in many forms. Near Tsalagee, Oklahoma a monster lurks and an infamous 19th Century outlaw’s booty lays hidden. When two renegade bikers ride into town looking to find the Lost Treasure of Belle Starr, local legends Hayward Yost and Socrates Ninekiller suspect the ruffians’ involvement in the murder of a local farmer; a man rumored to have knowledge of the lost treasure’s location…and its curse. As events unfold, others in the community are drawn into the hunt.
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Blue Like Elvis
By Diane Moody / Genre: Religious Fiction, Romance / Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars
“Being an Elvis fan, I had to read this book.”
Do you remember where you were the day Elvis died?
I do. I know exactly where I was.
I was there.
In the spring of 1977, Shelby Colter moved back to Memphis, Tennessee hoping to make a fresh start after breaking off her engagement. Working as a patient representative hostess at Baptist Memorial Hospital–the world’s largest private hospital–she’s thrilled with her new job, assisting patients with their non-medical needs. She has to laugh at her colorful co-workers who constantly chat about Elvis-sightings. After all, Baptist Memorial was “Elvis’s hospital.”
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Detour to Dusk
By Linell Jeppsen / Genre: Mystery & Thrillers / Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars
“I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of vampires and even more to those who are not because they will enjoy reading about the adventures of these creatures.”
A ragged band of vampires are cutting a bloody path of destruction from Alaska to Washington State! As frost turns the leaves gold and paints the high mountain treetops silver, hundreds of hunters arrive in Swan Valley for their annual deer hunt. What they don’t know is an outcast band of vampires have arrived, as well. Raphael Goldhawk, king of the high vampire council, has decreed the taking of human life unlawful. Raul Stannard, an ancient enemy of the half-human king, is determined to overthrow the council, even if it means the exposure and eventual annihilation of the vampire race.
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By Aaron Goldfarb / Genre: Advice & How-to / Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars
“Surprised How Much I Enjoyed This!”
Self-help guides SUCK.
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There’s other people out there just like you. Stu Fish is one of them.
Free as of 9/27/2012 for Kindle. Click here to find out if this book is still FREE.
Intro to the Paleo Diet: The Solution to Burn Fat, Lose Weight, and Build Muscle
By Abel James / Genre: Advice & How-to / Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars
“I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about the paleo lifestyle. “
Want to harness the principles of the Paleo diet, ancestral health, and primal fitness, to burn fat, build muscle, and improve your health? Want 9 delicious Paleo recipes from Civilized Caveman Cooking?
Whether you’re a Paleo beginner or a knuckle-dragging rockstar, you’ll enjoy and be informed and entertained by this concise exploration of the Paleolithic diet and primal lifestyle.
At roughly 44-pages, this Introduction to the Paleo lifestyle is a brief, easy-to-read, and informative resource to help you rolling right away.
Abel James, host of the wildly-popular Fat-Burning Man Show, covers a brief history of the natural human diet, paleo fitness, meal ideas, 9 delicious recipes, a shopping list, and a complete paleo-in-a-page resource to get you started (or back on track) right away.
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Real Estate: The Sustainable Investment
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Reading this book could be your best investment on the path to intentional success and that decisive moment when investment dreams become investment reality.
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The Savvy Entrepreneur, An Insiders’s Secrets to Entrepreneurial Success
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Serial entrepreneur Lee Pryor thinks starting a new business and successfully managing its growth is one of the most important and satisfying things a person can do. From company culture through long-term strategy, this hands-on guide for start-up managers covers leadership, raising money, hiring, and communication. Pryor’s straightforward managing
techniques, culled from real-life experiences, apply equally to technology-oriented and low-tech businesses. Pryor, a veteran of Time Warner and IBM (and frequent CEO), writes in a breezy, anecdotal, humorous style that encourages consumption in small, delicious bites between phone calls that will leave the reader laughing. And savvy.
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Organic Gardening Beginner’s Manual
By Julie Turner / Genre: Lifestyle & Home / Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
“I would highly recommend anyone starting out their own organic vegetable garden.”
Here’s the ultimate “Take-You-By-The-Hand” beginner’s manual for creating and managing your own organic garden. Even if you know nothing about organic gardening…. so you can get back your health and energy and save a stack of money.
You’re going to learn that organic gardening can greatly improve your health and energy levels while really lowering your weekly food bills, and it only takes about half an hour per week.
If you’re like me you probably hate the idea of eating foods (and providing them for your family) that may have been grown with chemicals.
I want to share with you not only the joy of producing fresh, delicious food for your family, but also the health advantages…. spending time in the fresh air and sunshine, stress relief, and chemical free, vitamin filled, fresh, natural foods – what our bodies really crave for and need.
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Cheap Home Makeover: Interior Decorating On A Budget
By Caitlin Kaur / Genre: Arts & Entertainment / Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
“Home Decor Made Easy”
Your house isn’t your home until you’ve given it personality. Which look and what level of comfort will your interior have? Interior designer Caitlin Kaur gives you the basic of her profession and shows you tricks of the trade. Best of all — home decorating doesn’t need to cost you the world. Curious? Get your copy of this ebook now and start decorating today!
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How To Make Sushi – The Basics
By Mai Ueda / Genre: Cooking, Food & Wine / Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars
“How to Make Sushi – The Basics” is the first installment of Japanese Cooking at Home, a cookbook series tailored for the home chef. It explains how to prepare delicious sushi with clear step-by-step instructions.
This cookbook features popular sushi recipes that are fun, easy to prepare, and kitchen-tested.
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Getting Your Toddler to Sleep
By Nanny P / Genre: Parenting & Families / Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars
“The book is full of how-to’s, as well as what to do when there are sleep problems or problems with getting your child to bed.”
Parenting a toddler has its own set of milestones and challenges, one of which is making sure that your toddler gets adequate amounts of sleep each night.
In this Nanny P Blueprint you’ll discover a set of strategies that you can use to get your toddler into a great bedtime routine in a way that is fun and enjoyable for all involved.
Nanny P blueprints are written with the busy parent in mind. Each blueprint is designed to tackle a specific issue in a short and concise way so that you do not need to spend time reading through a lot of other material to find tips and methods for the specific topic you are looking to address.
If you’re looking for ways to create a bedtime routine that is stress free for both you and your toddler, then “Nanny P’s Blueprint for Getting Your Toddler to Sleep” is for you!
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