You can download several editions of “Human Action: A Treatise on Economics” by Ludwig von Mises. They are freely available from Liberty Fund Inc. and Ludwig von Mises Institute.
This set includes 4 books in a slipcase. Mises attributes the tremendous technological progress and the consequent increase in wealth and general welfare in the last two centuries to the introduction of liberal government policies based on free-market economic teachings, creating an economic and political environment which permits individuals to pursue their respective goals in freedom and peace. Mises also explains the futility and counter-productiveness of government attempts to regulate, control, and equalise all people’s circumstances: “Men are born unequal and…it is precisely their inequality that generates social cooperation and civilisation.”
Human Action is the most important book on political economy you will ever own. It was (and remains) the most comprehensive, systematic, forthright, and powerful defense of the economics of liberty ever written. This is the Scholars Edition: accept no substitute. You will treasure this volume.
The Scholars Edition is the original, unaltered treatise (originally published in 1949) that shaped a generation of Austrians and made possible the intellectual movement that is leading the global charge for free markets.
Made available exclusively through the Ludwig von Mises Institute, this edition, Mises’s original, is the one to own.
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, The Scholar’s Edition (Ludwig von Mises Institute)
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, 4th Edition (Ludwig von Mises Institute)