Free eBook “Social by Social: A practical guide to using new technologies to deliver social impact” by Andy Gibson, Nigel Courtney, Amy Sample Ward, David Wilcox and Professor Clive Holtham.
Book Description
Social by Social is a practical guide to using new technologies to create social impact. It makes accessible the tools you need to engage a community, offer services, scale up activities and sustain projects. Whoever you are, it shows you how to take technology and turn it into real world benefits.
- The shape of things to come
- Navigating Social by Social
- Meet the pioneers
- The Social by Social propositions
- A to Z of key terms
- The companion
- What this means for you
- A word from the authors
- About Social by Social
Book Details
Author(s): Andy Gibson, Nigel Courtney, Amy Sample Ward, David Wilcox and Professor Clive Holtham
Format(s): PDF (25.82 MB), Online
Number of pages: 256
Link: Download PDF | Read online
Format(s): PDF (25.82 MB), Online
Number of pages: 256
Link: Download PDF | Read online