Free 132 page eBook “WordPress Heroes” by Linda Goin from DMXzone.
Book Description
This entire e-book was written just before WordPress 3.0 was debuted, and it was written just as WordPress turned seven years old. More than 28,000 people download WordPress every day, and over 11.4 million sites have active installations, including reputable media and business sites.
Everything you need to run WordPress is included in this e-book, including links to find more information as you build your blog or CMS or group Web site (the latter capability comes with WordPress 3.0, which integrates WordPress MU, or Multi-User). You even get tips on how to write a blog. After all, WordPress provides the secure platform for your site — you’re the one who needs to make that blog succeed through great content and an eye on upgrades and secure templates and plugins.
Be sure to tap into the new WordPress 3.0 platform and go to it — realize your online dreams with this free and versatile platform!
- WordPress Setup
- Using Graphics
- Design & Themes
- Content is The King!
Book Details