Free 62 page eBook “How to Present with Twitter (and other backchannels)”, written by Olivia Mitchell.
Book Description
How Twitter changes presentations
If you’re going to present to a tech-savvy audience you need to know how the presentation landscape has changed with the advent of Twitter and other backchannels.
Twitter was not the first tool to be used as a backchannel, but it is the one that has had the most impact on conference presentations so far. Twitter first grabbed the attention of mainstream presentation bloggers and commentators during an interview at the 2008 SXSW conference. The interviewer wasn’t asking the questions the audience wanted answered. In the past, audience members would have grumbled internally or maybe whispered to their neighbour. But this was a tech-savvy, Twitter-enabled audience and they started tweeting their discontent. The grumbling accelerated. And knowing they had backing, members of the audience started taking over the interview.
And so started the shift of power from speaker to audience. Now, just about every week a new story of a presenter getting roasted on Twitter or other backchannel surfaces. The fact that this might happen to you could be scary. Presenting at conferences is hard enough without the added complication of Twitter.
In this eBook, I’ll show you how you can survive presenting with Twitter. Audience revolts on Twitter and other backchannels get the attention in the Twittersphere and blogosphere, but if you upgrade your presentations to meet the demands of the Twitter era, it won’t happen to you.This eBook is not only about helping you avoid problems – it’s also about how to make the most of the opportunities presented by the backchannel. Proactive conference organizers and presenters are adapting to the shift in power and seeing the value that a presentation backchannel can bring.
I’ve written this eBook to be a practical resource that can help you immediately. For a more in-depth exploration of how the world of presentations is changing, I recommend Cliff Atkinson’s new book The Backchannel: How audiences are using Twitter and Social Media and changing presentations forever. If you buy the book through this link I’ll earn a few cents (thank you in advance).
I mention a lot of Twitter applications and tools in this eBook. New features and new tools are constantly being introduced, so I’ve created a webpage where I’ll post updates. Check that out if you want to see what’s new.
- How Twitter changes presentations
- The benefits of presenting with Twitter
- The three stages of presenting with the backchannel
- Stage One – Survive the experience
- Stage Two – Respond to the audience’s needs
- Stage Three – Engage with the backchannel
Book Details